Fear Based Agreements and Healing the Inner Child!
There are countless ways we as humans can be raised on our planet.
Try to always consider all the possible other ways that humans just like you were raised and by the many varied forms of parental guidances. You represent just one perspective and were heavily influenced by oh so many others since birth. How many teachers did you have, will have? Mom, dad, grandparents, siblings.
When it comes down to it, each individual who’s crossed your path, showed you their perspective. Then in that moment, or series of moments, you chose to agree or disagree with how they reacted to an experience.
The use of fears have been used heavily for as long as I can remember, so I’m sure it’s safe to say they have been around since they were defined.
Congrats to say the least though, this is such an essential awareness level we are discussing. Now let’s discuss how fear is actually an uneducated choice.
Fears run in all flavors and each represents a blocked flow of soul energy. If we go back to their roots, we will find they were all along agreements we made with someone else that altered our then current state of mind. Such as if you were crying because you wanted ice cream and your mom or dad told you no. Then they told you that you have no reason to cry, therefore invalidating your feelings. Your first injustice! I’m sure you’re thinking of your very first or many first right now. Don’t dwell to long though, they happened in the past for a reason.
For example: abandonment! How many forms does this come in? This was probably one of my firsts, and these earliest of injustices are our most powerful triggers throughout life, if we allow them that is. Can you be the adult now, you needed then? Start to enjoy these moments, as In the pain is the medicine! This is your new mantra!
Maybe try this? Go to the mirror and look into your eyes and be who you needed then, now.
Ok try again right away. Keep trying. Come back in a month. Come back in six months. The layers of pain reveal themselves as we heal, so let’s prepare for a very rewarding journey!
This stuff is easy to understand, yet it’s in the practice or integration that a strong will is needed. Just always remember, HAVE FUN, in your daily practices and most importantly, don’t be an …!